Large-Nightmare Dark Matter


A dark QCD sector is a relatively minimal extension of the Standard Model (SM) that admits Dark Matter (DM) candidates but requires no portal to the visible sector beyond gravitational interactions: A ’nightmare scenario’ for DM detection. We consider a secluded dark sector containing a single flavor of light, vector-like dark quark gauged under SU(N). In the large-N limit, this single-flavor theory becomes highly predictive, generating two DM candidates whose masses and dynamics are described by few parameters: A light quark-antiquark bound state, the dark analog of the η′ meson, and a heavy bound state of N quarks, the dark analog of the Δ++ baryon. We show that the latter may freeze-in with an abundance independent of the confinement scale, forming DM-like relics for N≲10, while the former may generate DM via cannibalization and freeze-out. We study the interplay of this two-component DM system and determine the characteristic ranges of the confinement scale, dark-visible sector temperature ratio, and N that admit non-excluded DM, once the effects of self-interaction constraints and bounds on effective degrees of freedom at the BBN and CMB epochs are included.

Sep 20, 2020 1:00 PM — 2:00 PM
SCIPP Seminar
University of California, Santa Cruz
1156 High St, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Logan A. Morrison, PhD
Logan A. Morrison, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher

My research interests include distributed robotics, mobile computing and programmable matter.